“You” refers to any individual, organization, business, company, or entity that uses Ubiquitously Mental’s images.
If You wish to use any of Ubiquitously Mental’s images, you must contact Ubiquitously Mental to negotiate a fee and the limitations of use.
All of Ubiquitously Mental’s images are copyright protected by international law, including The Berne Convention and others. This includes images hosted on this website and external sites including but not limited to, Fstoppers, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vero.
If you use Ubiquitously Mental’s images without negotiation or without written permission from Ubiquitously Mental, you are agreeing to the following fee structure.
A non-negotiable retrospective charge is made for the use of Ubiquitously Mental’s images if permission was not sought before use or publication. The minimum fee payable is given below, higher fees may be payable as decided by Ubiquitously Mental.
All of Ubiquitously Mental’s images are copyright protected by international law, including The Berne Convention and others. This includes images hosted on this website and external sites including but not limited to, Fstoppers, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vero.
If you use Ubiquitously Mental’s images without negotiation or without written permission from Ubiquitously Mental, you are agreeing to the following fee structure.
A non-negotiable retrospective charge is made for the use of Ubiquitously Mental’s images if permission was not sought before use or publication. The minimum fee payable is given below, higher fees may be payable as decided by Ubiquitously Mental.
Non-Commercial Sites
Individual persons using Ubiquitously Mental’s images without prior permission are agreeing to pay a minimum of $20,000.00 per image, per website page, if published on a personal, non-commercial website or shared on social media. This fee only applies to personal use and does not apply to any commercial use.
Small Commercial Sites
Small businesses, including self-employed businesses, partnerships, and limited companies with fewer than five employees, using Ubiquitously Mental’s images without prior permission, for example, but not limited to, websites that sell products, or those that are supported by advertising or affiliate links, or those that pay writers’ fees or a wage for producing articles, you are agreeing to a fee of not less than $250,000 per image, per month, per website page on which it appears.
Large Commercial Sites, Commercial Enterprises and News Websites
By using Ubiquitously Mental’s images without written permission on larger, popular commercial sites, that is usually companies that have five or more employees, and/or with a following of more than 100 hits per month, you are agreeing that you will be charged not less than $400,000 per image per website page on which it appears, for each week it is viewable online.
News websites and papers will be charged no less than $1,000,000 per image, per webpage, per week for any page on which the image appears, and/or in each publication in which it is printed.
News websites and papers will be charged no less than $1,000,000 per image, per webpage, per week for any page on which the image appears, and/or in each publication in which it is printed.
Images Used in Print
If permission is not sought to use Ubiquitously Mental’s images prior to printing, by using Ubiquitously Mental’s images for any printing in other publications, on fabric, for advertising, or for similar purposes, will be charged not less than, and not limited to, $1,000,000 per image per publication or product. Higher fees may be imposed depending on the nature of the publication or product.
Recovery of these fees will be pursued in accordance with the laws in the US, or overseas courts if necessary, and international debt recovery services used.
Lower fees can only be negotiated prior to publication.
First published 2024. Last reviewed 2024
Recovery of these fees will be pursued in accordance with the laws in the US, or overseas courts if necessary, and international debt recovery services used.
Lower fees can only be negotiated prior to publication.
First published 2024. Last reviewed 2024